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About Winfried Windegger

I train your teams in person, in your premises, in French-speaking Switzerland.

...preferably "tailor-made", after discussing with you your context, your objectives, your challenges and the specific skills to be developed in your sales force.
We will choose together on which theme we will build your training.
Preparation is the key to success.

Boost Your Sales Skills with Expert Sales Training!

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  For Sales Team Managers & Marketing Leaders

Productive Sales Activity Management

The role of a Sales Manager is to ensure that objectives are met. And to do that, every salesperson on his or her team must be active, focused and effective. You can't manage sales. It is the activity and performance of the salespeople that must be managed. And this, in an intelligent, human and motivating way...

Productive Sales Coaching in the Field

Field coaching is one of the most motivating tasks of a sales team manager. It is also the most effective and efficient way to ensure a high return on investment for the sales training provided to them. "Saying" is neither sufficient nor effective with salespeople who are just beginning to know and are still making mistakes...

Selling for Operational Marketing Leaders

Operational marketers should be the "keystone" of any successful product launch. Unfortunately, due to a lack of sales knowledge and practice, many fail to provide sales people with tools that 'stick' to the sales process. This training fills this gap and reinforces the role and influence of operational marketing on sales...
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  For Sales Executives & Key Account Managers

Sales Excellence

Selling is an art that can be learned. 'Good practices' are timeless, and are the basics essential to success in all sales professions. 
From the contact phase to the closing, including the defense of margins, this expert sales training covers all the stages of selling, and will boost your sales.

Negotiation Excellence

"In life you don't get what you deserve, but what you negotiate." Knowing how to negotiate is essential, especially in sales. For some people negotiating is an unpleasant struggle (nec otium). 
For others it is an art and a method.
This negocitation course trains learners in a methodical and practical way to control and master negotiations. 

Strategic Solution Selling

The success of an offer presentation depends on 4 factors: 1. a 'good' solution, 2. 'well' presented, 3. to the 'right' people, and 4. with a good degree of 'pre-selling'. This sales course explains and trains exactly what you need to do in order to succeed in these 4 steps and go from 1, to 2 out of 3 successes.

Selling for Non-Sellers

Customers like to talk to technicians and service personnel who are credible and appreciated for their service orientation. They can become the company's second sales force by listening, understanding and advising with integrity. This training aims to motivate and prepare these employees to listen and advise customers, complementary to the work of the sales force. Objective: less commercial, but useful.

Selling the Financial Value of my Solution

The price of my solution is one thing. Its profitability for the customer is another. A more expensive price can even be more profitable for the customer than a cheap solution.
But you have to know how to present and demonstrate it in a professional and credible way. This sales course explains and trains you exactly what you need to do to achieve this.

Key Account Management

Today, key account management has become a "must" in large sales organizations, but too often nothing distinguishes a "key account manager" from a simple sales rep... except his business card. No wonder! 
This sales training provides the method and the specific tools for a true key account management in your company.

Sales Territory Management

There are 1000 ways to plan my activities in my sales territory, but only 1 is better than all the others!
This program is all about working smarter and planning better to get better sales results. It teaches salespeople how to effectively distribute their visits and better manage their client and business portfolios...

Making appointments by phone

Making appointments over the phone is frightening and discourages many salespeople who believe that they can make do with 'leads', often unqualified, obtained digitally.
However, the direct and targeted approach of contacts by phone gives good results to those who know the rules and apply them systematically.

Selling through distributors

A distributor network manager's role is to support distributors by ensuring that they have all the key elements of success in place, such as inventory, promotions, service, training, etc. However, when distributors do not meet expectations, the desired results are not achieved. The role of the distributor Network Manager is not to sell for the distributors, but to convince them to act, and to co-lead them to achieve their business goals.

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