Strategic Solution Selling

  2-day in-company sales training course

The success of an offer presentation depends on 4 factors: 1. a 'good' solution, 2. 'well' presented, 3. to the 'right' people, and 4. with a good degree of 'pre-selling'. This sales course explains and trains exactly what you need to do in order to succeed in these 4 steps and go from 1, to 2 out of 3 successes.

Significantly increase the success rate of your sales presentations by:
  • a better qualification of an opportunity,
  • a better analysis of the customer's problem,
  • a better presentation of value,
  • and the right strategy and tactics before and during the presentation.

  • Sales managers
  • Sales people
  • Key-Account Managers
  • 12 participants max.

  • A good command of sales techniques
  • Participants should come with real cases of proposals to present in the coming weeks, and all available information on known needs, the decision process and the competition involved.

  • Bidding strategy and tactics: the basics
  • Presentation by each participant of the current status of an opportunity for which an offer is to be presented to the customer in the near future
  • Selection by the group of a case that will serve as a detailed example for the application of the SSS method at each stage of the process work
  • Qualification of the reality and value of the opportunity
  • Critical analysis of the presumed need and definition of the "right" solution to present (v.1)
  • Critical analysis of the known competition and sharpening of the "right" solution to present (v.2)
  • Critical analysis of the knowledge of decision-makers and influencers and definition of a 'contact strategy' to be conducted before and during the presentation
  • Training to present the offer to a group
  • Application of the SSS method to each participant's case, in pairs or small groups.

  • Specific and targeted reminders of sales techniques
  • Work on real cases of sales presentations to be prepared
  • Inductive animation to encourage active participation
  • Individual coaching during the training
  • Personal action plan
Let's talk about training.