Sales Territory Management

There are 1000 ways to plan my sales activity in my sales territory, but only 1 is better than all the others!
This programme is about working smarter and planning better to achieve better sales result.
It will teach salespeople to distribute their visits effectively and to better manage their customer and business portfolios...

  • Understand the factors that impact on sales.
  • Understand how to manage your portfolio of customers and opportunities to achieve better sales results.
  • Improve the salesperson's time management and planning of sales activities for better results in a way that is "smarter" rather than harder.

  • Sales people
  • ...and their Sales Manager
  • 12 participants max.

  • None

The sales process
  • The steps of the sales
  • Making a sales process more effective
  • The skills required at each stage

Time management in sales

  • The need for planning and time management
  • Calculating and optimising your "active" sales time

Client and business portfolio management

  • The 3 dimensions of our portfolios
  • Objective and useful criteria for portfolio management
  • Identify clients to focus on
  • Improve the velocity of business in the portfolio
  • Know how to define the right priorities for development and action on current portfolios
Distribute sales visits in an efficient manner
  • The relative weight of efforts according to their nature
  • The right activity KPIs for better planning
  • Calculating and allocating the volume and nature of activities needed to achieve sales goals and prepare for sustainable growth

  • Role-playing to make each person aware of his or her practices that need to be improved
  • Inductive facilitation to encourage active participation
  • Individual coaching during the training
  • Personal action plan

Let's talk about training.