We look forward to sharing our expertise and insights with you!
WWIDER, the first (noCRM) Distribution Relationship Management app for brands that want to compare the sales activity of their distributors and manage their performance.
"Missionary" sales people are the ones we need to sell to biologists and physicians who care for their patients health and well-being...
Babies, youngsters, adults and seniors. These are our customers! And each category needs a specific tratment. Discover another way to look at your customer portfolio and take better sales activity decisions.
Pareto is right, but not for a customer portfolio and sales analysis that lead to the right sales action plan. Discover another way, simple and much smarter, to make relevant decisions and boost your sales.
Solutions for surviving on exports when my currency goes up.
Dans le monde en constante évolution de l'entreprise, la formation des employés revêt une importance cruciale pour maintenir une compétitivité et une performance optimales. Cependant, une tendance inquiétante se profile à l'horizon : l'idée que les technologies de l'intelligence artificielle, telles que ChatGPT, pourraient remplacer les formateurs professionnels dans le domaine de la formation des vendeurs. Bien que ces technologies puissent certainement jouer un rôle utile dans la diffusion d'informations, elles ne peuvent en aucun cas remplacer la valeur irremplaçable des formateurs humains expérimentés.
Discover the secrets of motivational and effective sales management.
Impulsivity can be a source of unpleasant surprises during a negotiation. It is wise to know how to control yourself...
That's one key principle of effective negotiations. There's another way to be constructive and find creative solutions to unblock critical situations...
What differentiates top sales performers from average and low sales performers. Synthesis of the analysis of 24000 sales conversations. A must read!
3 règles indispensables pour réussir ses ventes par distributeurs.