Making Appointments over the Phone

Making appointments over the phone is frightening and discourages many salespeople who believe that they can make do with 'leads', often unqualified, obtained digitally.
However, the direct and targeted approach of contacts by phone gives good results to those who know the rules and apply them systematically.

  • Significantly improve telephone appointment setting
  • De-demonise the telephone as a tool for making appointments
  • Develop self-confidence and charisma on the phone

  • Sales People
  • 12 participants max.

  • None

Making appointments over the phone
  • Words are magic
  • The sound image we convey
  • Basic principles of effective appointment calling

The telephone appointment setting script

  • The BCGRA method
  • Building your telephone hook
  • Building your development sentence
  • Individual test in front of the group and the trainer

Handling objections on the phone

  • The difference between the method and face-to-face objections
  • Handling the assistant's objections
  • Handling objections from the final respondent

Personalising my telephone/appointment tool

  • Providing each participant with a fully customisable EXCEL VBA appointment setting script application
  • Customisation of the script modules by the participants
Test in a real situation
  • in front of the group and the trainer
  • Individual and progressive coaching of participants

  • Role-playing to make each person aware of his or her practices that need to be improved
  • Inductive facilitation to encourage active participation
  • Individual coaching during the training
  • Personal action plan

Let's talk about training.