Selling for Operational Marketing Leaders

Operational marketers should be the "keystone" of any successful product launch. Unfortunately, due to a lack of sales knowledge and practice, many fail to provide sales people with tools that 'stick' to the sales process. This training fills this gap and reinforces the role and influence of operational marketing on sales...

  • Bridging the gap between marketing and sales
  • Share with operational marketing the best sales techniques used by sales professionals
  • Empower them to deliver effective sales tools to sales people for a product launch or sales campaign

  • Operational Marketing Leaders
  • Product Managers
  • 12 participants max.

  • None

  • Marketing & sales: mutual interests, different focus
  • 'Market', 'segment', 'customer': what differences in terms of communication?
  • The sales process
  • What 'salespeople' expect from operational marketers
  • Understanding a customer's "concerns": interview and reformulation techniques (the "SUGAR©" method)
  • Choosing and ordering the right questions
  • Why, when and how to reformulate
  • Motivations and criteria for customer choice
  • Identifying a customer's decision process
  • Persuasion strategy: allocating time with the right people, order, objectives, tasks, message and evidence.
  • Choosing the keys to acceptance
  • Knowing how to 'sell value' to different interlocutors according to their interests (generalist, technical, purchasing, finance, social, etc)
  • Dealing with objections and turning them into opportunities
  • How to prepare sales materials, including digital materials that really help sales people be efficient
  • Role-playing to make each person aware of his or her practices that need to be improved
  • Inductive facilitation to encourage active participation
  • Individual coaching during the training
  • Personal action plan

Let's talk about training.