Selling the Financial Value
of my Solution

The price of my solution is one thing. Its profitability for the customer is another. A more expensive price can even be more profitable for the customer than a cheap solution.
But you have to know how to present and demonstrate it in a professional and credible way. This sales course explains and trains you exactly what you need to do to achieve this.

  • Learn and understand the 4 financial indicators necessary to present a profitability to a client
  • Know how to calculate and present the financial profitability of a solution for a client
  • Develop self-confidence and credibility to speak in a "financial" way
  • Minimize and neutralize the price objection, by highlighting the superior benefits of our solution.

  • Sales people
  • Key-Account Managers
  • Sales Managers
  • General Managers

  • Participants must master the basics of selling

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to judge the profitability of an investment: Weighted Average Cost of Capital, Discounted Cash Flow, Net Present Value of an investment, Time to Return on Investment.
  • What information from the client to prepare a "financial value" presentation
  • How to get our contacts to contribute to the preparation of a financial business case
  • An effective presentation tool (provided during the course)
  • The 2 main objections to overcome and how to deal with them
  • How to present our proposal to Mr Big Cheese
  • Training participants to present financial value

  • Group work on real or virtual cases
  • Inductive facilitation to encourage active participation
  • Individual coaching during the course
  • Personal action plan

Let's talk about training.