Sales Excellence

  2-day in-company sales training course

Selling is an art that can be learned. 'Good practices' are timeless, and are the basics essential to success in all sales professions. From the contact phase to the closing, including the defense of margins, this sales training covers all the stages of selling, and can be easily transposed to all professions.

  • Know and master best sales practices
  • Know how to transpose them to your own environment
  • Adopt the appropriate behaviour at each stage of a process
  • Increase your credibility and commercial efficiency.
  • Sales Managers
  • Sales Team
  • Key-Account Managers

  • None

  • Case studies and awareness of common mistakes
  • The best ways to create the initial contact with the client
  • Empathy and projection: when and why
  • Preparing motivating and appropriate hooks
  • Reaching the right people, getting appointments
  • Establishing the initial rapport: building trust and openness
  • Detecting rational and emotional motivations
  • Controlling the discussion: questioning and reformulation techniques (S.U.G.A.R.© method)
  • Preparing and presenting convincing solutions at the right time in the sales process
  • Choosing the right sales tactics in a situation with multiple contacts and competitors
  • Know how to 'sell value' to different interlocutors according to their interests (generalist, technical, purchasing, finance, social, etc)
  • Dealing with objections and turning them into opportunities
  • When and how to present the price
  • The 4 price objections and their specific treatment
  • The right ways to handle haggling
  • Obtaining the client's consent and closing.

  • Role-playing to make each person aware of his or her practices that need to be improved
  • Inductive facilitation to encourage active participation
  • Individual coaching during the training
  • Personal action plan

Let's talk about training.