The DNA of Top Sales Performers
by Mark Wayshak, Sales Insights Lab, Boston, Massachusetts.

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1. Slow your pace

Top performers in closing deals speak slower than average and bottom performers, according to research. While average and bottom performers talk at a pace of 182 words per minute, top performers speak at a pace of 171 words per minute. The difference is noticeable to the ear, and prospects speaking with top performers also slow down, speaking at a pace of 174 words per minute, compared to 198 words per minute with other prospects. A slower pace indicates engagement in the conversation, while a faster pace suggests the prospect wants to end the conversation. Therefore, pace is crucial to closing deals, as it has a tangible impact on the outcome.

2. Switch back and forth – a lot.

Top-performing salespeople create more back-and-forth conversations with prospects than others, according to new research. Top performers make 54% more conversation switches during discovery conversations and 78% more during presentations. They create a dynamic interaction by actively listening to the prospect and using prompts like "I totally get that" or "That sounds really important" to create mini conversation switches while the prospect is speaking. Creating constant back-and-forth opportunities is crucial to closing deals in the current marketplace, as it brings the prospect back into the conversation repeatedly, showing active engagement and listening skills.

3. Features kill the sale.

According to new research, top-performing salespeople talk about product features significantly less than others. During discovery, they discuss features around 50% less than others, and during presentations, they talk about features 63% less. Instead, top performers focus on the prospect and specific outcomes they want to achieve. Therefore, to close more deals, it is important to avoid discussing the features of the product or service and focus on the prospect's needs and desired outcomes.

4. Expect more of their time.

Top-performing salespeople spend more time talking to their prospects, according to research. Their discovery calls are 76% longer than average and bottom performers, and their presentation calls are 55% longer. Top performers not only engage prospects for longer periods but also set aside more time to talk to them from the start. They start with enough time in the calendar for a full-length sales conversation, whereas other salespeople may hope to extend the conversation beyond a few minutes. Expecting more time from prospects is crucial for closing deals. Therefore, it is essential to allocate enough time for a comprehensive sales conversation.

5. Questions go both ways.

New research has identified five keys to closing deals, including slowing down the conversation, creating back-and-forth engagement, avoiding product feature discussions, talking for longer, and asking more questions. The research shows that top performers are slower, ask more questions, and engage in back-and-forth conversations that create engagement and facilitate listening. They also talk for longer periods of time and avoid discussing product features. These findings highlight the importance of active listening, empathy, and attention to the prospect's needs in achieving sales success. A new training program on the step-by-step approach to closing more deals is available for registration.

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